Hearing loss
20% of the population are living with some degree of hearing loss
According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, 48 million Americans or about 20 percent of the population are living with some degree of hearing loss.
Hearing loss does not discriminate whether you are young or old, in the work force or retired, a civilian, an active duty servicemen or a veteran. In fact, 1 in 5 teens experience some degree of hearing loss. According to the VA, There are 2.7M veterans that have service connected disabilities or are getting treated for hearing related issues.
15% of the population experience Tinnitus
Additionally, 15% of the population experience Tinnitus which is ringing or buzzing in the ears. Tinnitus is also the number 1 disability among Veterans.
Tinnitus could be constant or intermittent, although often associated with hearing loss, could be present without it.
Hearing is crucial in maintaining relationships and connection with friends, families and coworkers. It supports participation in life events, keeps us engaged, active and prevents isolation. Overall, healthy hearing contributes to a good quality of life.
Causes of hearing loss
Age (presbecyusis)
Life events ( noise exposure, exposure to toxic substance)
head injuries
Medication (ototoxicity)